

Caller region based routing

Consider a toll free number enabled both for Canada and the US; in order to execute different actions based on caller’s country we would use the get_region_code action. For example, consider this dialplan fragment:

<extension name="example">
  <condition field="destination_number" expression="^18005551234$" require-nested="false">
    <!-- If the module is invoked via hooks, the following line is not necessary -->
    <action inline="true" application="phonenumber" data="get_region_code caller"/>

    <condition field="${phonenumber_caller_region_code}" expression="^US$" break="never">
      <action application="log" data="INFO Inbound call from US customer"/>
      <!-- actions for US callers ... -->
    <condition field="${phonenumber_caller_region_code}" expression="^CA$" break="never">
      <action application="log" data="INFO Inbound call from Canadian customer"/>
      <!-- actions for Canadian callers ... -->
    <condition field="${phonenumber_caller_region_code}" expression="^(?!.*(US|CA))" break="never">
      <action application="log" data="INFO Catch all, got ${phonenumber_caller_region_code}"/>
      <!-- Catch all actions ... -->

Override caller name

Suppose you want the caller name to be resolved to the geographical description of the caller if it’s not already set. This is achievable through the get_description_for_number action; for example, this fragment could be added to the dialplan section before bridging calls to your extensions:

<condition field="${sip_from_display}" expression="^([\+\-\(\)\ 0-9]+)$" break="never">
  <action inline="true" application="phonenumber" data="get_description_for_number ${sip_from_display}"/>
  <action inline="true" application="set" data="effective_caller_id_name=${phonenumber_number_description_for_number}"/>

<!-- ... bridge/answer ... -->

Enchance analytical data

Consider the following dialplan action (or its hook equivalent):

<action inline="true" application="phonenumber" data="format,get_number_type,get_region_code,get_description_for_number caller default_region=US,locale=en_US"/>

The results are readily available as channel variables, for example in the case of applications using the Event Socket Library, or at the end of the call as a CDR record:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<cdr core-uuid="63aacf97-90c6-470b-bc5b-6c0c7b954454" switchname="test">
    <!-- ... -->
    <!-- ... -->
    <!-- ... -->
    <application app_name="phonenumber" app_data="format,get_number_type,get_region_code,get_description_for_number caller default_region=US,locale=en_US" app_stamp="0"></application>
  <callflow dialplan="XML" unique-id="bf04e77c-2989-4590-9751-19c0fabcd871" profile_index="1">
      <!-- ... -->

The appended data can be further integrated in your data warehouse for a variety of purposes.