

The purpose of the phonenumber.conf.xml file is to define default values for parameters as well as configure any hooks (if desired).

Default parameter values are set as <param> entries in the <settings> section. They will be used whenever actions are being invoked without explicitly setting values to the parameters they operate with as well as for hooks when parameter values are omitted.

Hooks are used to engage the module when channels are being created, allowing for some filtering as well as specific parameter values. They are defined as <hook> entires in the <hooks> section; one can define as many hooks as desired.

Below is a sample phonenumber.conf.xml file:

<configuration name="phonenumber.conf" description="mod_phonenumber configuration">
  <!-- Default parameters for mod_phonenumbers. These values are used whenever
       they are not explicitly set up (when invoked via the dialplan application,
       the API interface or through hooks.-->
    <!-- Two character region code; this is used when the input number is not
         written in international format. -->
    <param name="default_region" value="US"/>

    <!-- Default representation for formatting actions when a format is not
         explicitly set. Must be one of the following:
         * E164
         * NATIONAL
         * RFC3966 -->
    <param name="format" value="E164"/>

    <!-- Default locale used by get_description_for_number when a locale is
         not explicitly set. Must be formatted as a language/region tag
         combination, e.g. es_MX, fr_BE, en_GB etc. -->
    <param name="locale" value="en_US"/>

    <!-- Default calling_from region code for format_out_of_country_calling_number
         when one is not explicitly set. Use two character code (e.g. IT, DE,
         CA etc.). -->
    <param name="calling_from" value="US"/>

  <!-- mod_phonenumber can be engaged automatically for new channels through
       hooks. Each hook instance can filter the channels it operates on by
       direction and/or context and will execute a predefined list of actions,
       with its own default_region, format, locale and calling_from parameters. -->
    <!-- <hook> -->
      <!-- Directional filter, must be one of inbound, outbound or all. If
           not present, it defaults to all (i.e. no filtering). -->
      <!-- <param name="direction" value="inbound"/> -->

      <!-- Context filter, it refers to the FreeSWITCH context in which the
           channel is created. If not present, no filtering is performed. -->
      <!-- <param name="context" value="default"/> -->

      <!-- Hook's scope, can be set to destination, caller or all. If not
           present, it defaults to all (i.e. the actions will be executed
           against both the destination and the caller number). -->
      <!-- <param name="scope" value="destination"/> -->

      <!-- Comma separated list of actions to be executed. -->
      <!-- <param name="actions" value="get_region_code,get_description_for_number"/> -->

      <!-- Hook specific parameters. When not set, the defaults defined at the
           top of this file are being used instead. -->
      <!-- <param name="default_region" value="US"/> -->
      <!-- <param name="format" value="E164"/> -->
      <!-- <param name="locale" value="en_US"/> -->
      <!-- <param name="calling_from" value="US"/> -->
    <!-- </hook> -->